children, inspiration, mom, Mommy Madness, Mommy Motivation, motivation, parenting, positive affirmations, positive parenting, single dad, single mom, Single moms

A Single Parent’s Christmas ðŸŽ„

A single parent just wants to shed a tear. Christmas is 5 days away and her bank account balance resembles the 12 dollars of Christmas.

This time of year, the decisions that have to be made are stressful. Kids want gifts, family wants to gather, food must be bought, and the bills must be paid!

Think, single parent, think! Use your creativity, resources, and single parent partners to get through this challenging time of the year! You can do it, I know you can. Use your Single Parent Spidey sense to make it happen for your kids.

You can do it!

Merry Christmas 🎄

A Single Parent’s Truth

inspiration, mom, Mommy Madness, Mommy Motivation, motivation, parenting, positive affirmations, positive parenting, single mom, Single moms

Single Mom – It’s About You!

What’s your mindset? Check your thoughts. We are proud single mothers who have originated the steps of survival. We are in God’s image of perfect perfection! Don’t change your smile, Don’t change your tenacity, don’t change your depth, desire or diligence. We see your plight!

Love God, yourself, your child, and your family. Take a look at your beauty and admire your gifts. Embrace the healthy you. Invest in yourself, reward yourself, and celebrate you!

Self check, self sustain and self preserve. You thrive, eradicate and dominate in your world. Own it! Embrace it! Deliver it!

– A Single Parent’s Truth


God’s Complete Garden

God looked around his garden and found the ideal space.

Then, he looked down on earth and saw your, tired and weiry face.

He hugged you tight and said it’s going to be okay. I am holding you close, lifting you up to guide you to your final resting place.

God’s garden is unique and a bountiful place to rest. Nowing this, it must be special because he only takes the best.

Oh, how he knew you were suffering, in pain and tired.

He knew your assignment on earth was complete with a job well done.

He saw the road was getting rough and the hills were hard to climb.

So, he shut your eyes and counted to 3. One..two…three… You are now with me.

It tore us apart to lose you, but we know you’re not alone. For there are bits and pieces of us that you took with you on the day God called you home.

Now, God’s garden is complete.

May you bloom for an eternity.

Yours truly,

Your Granddaughter!